You can’t treat two people with IC the same. When we work together, you will always be looked at as an individual. 

If you are unsure of what you need, please book in a complimentary clarity call where we will discuss your symptoms and the best course of action to get you symptom relief. 

The IC Membership

  • A one stop shop for all things urinary symptoms. This will provide you with all the information you need to finally understand why you’re experiencing this.

  • With over 30 expert led sessions, there’s something for everyone. If you’re looking for the science behind IC, or more holistic health, information on the nervous system and tools to calm those stress induced flares, nutritional guidance and support, there’s something for you.

  • A complete explanation of the elimination diet so you can understand exactly how to carry it out and not live in restriction, plus sessions on histamine, oxalates, anti-inflammatory foods and how to create a diet which works for you so you can get out of the restriction cycle you’re in.

The IC Membership is a one stop shop for all things IC, regardless of where you are in your journey!

Work with us 1:1

Here you’ll get to work with myself, our naturopath and a chronic pain psychologist plus get the right testing to identify why you’re getting these persistent urinary symptoms. We’ll address any imbalances in the body, whether that’s hormonal, gut, histamine plus personalise a food plan so we can identify exactly what foods are bothering you and allow you to bring more variety back into your diet.

YOUR journey TO HEALING starts now.